Pet friendly holiday homes in Inverloch and Venus Bay

The protected waters of Anderson Inlet make the coastal town of Inverloch a favourite holiday spot. Swimmers, water sports enthusiasts and surfers flock to the beaches during warmer months, while the surrounding walks and drives make the village a popular year-round destination. 

Experience the wild waters and golden sands of the South Gippsland coastline at Venus Bay, a small settlement nestled in vegetated sand dunes.  More...holidaypaws

1 property listed in Inverloch and Venus Bay

Guests 0  & Pets 1
Lowest nightly price up to:
 per night *

* Off season tariff for comparison only

Minimum number of guests:  guests
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Inverloch and Venus Bay, VIC

From $622 to $806 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

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