Mid North Coast - Crescent Head
This easy-going town at the southern edge of the Macleay Valley Coast is one of the most famous surfing spots in the country. You’ll also discover beautiful sandy beaches and lush national parks for bushwalking, camping and whale watching. It’s easy to see why Crescent Head is a firm favourite for family holidays.  More...holidaypaws

5 properties listed in Mid North Coast - Crescent Head


Guests 0  & Pets 1
Lowest nightly price up to:
 per night *

* Off season tariff for comparison only

Minimum number of guests:  guests
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Mid North Coast - Crescent Head, NSW

From $239 to $239 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

  • Aircon
Mid North Coast - Crescent Head, NSW

From $272 to $272 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

  • WiFi
Mid North Coast - Crescent Head, NSW

From $194 to $194 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

  • Fenced
Mid North Coast - Crescent Head, NSW

From $184 to $184 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

  • Fenced
  • Aircon
Mid North Coast - Crescent Head, NSW

From $251 to $251 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

  • Pets Inside
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