Murray Riverina

Situated on the banks of Billabong Creek, said to be the longest ‘creek’ in Australia, the village of Wanganella once boasted two hotels, two blacksmiths, two stores, a school, a church, a bootmaker, a resident police officer and a small lock-up (which is now located at the Peppin Heritage Centre in Deniliquin). A number of houses, mostly the homes of workers on Wanganella and other local stations, lined the streets. Sport was catered for with tennis courts, a cricket ground and race track.  More...holidaypaws

1 property listed in Murray Riverina

Lowest nightly price up to:
 per night *

* Off season tariff for comparison only

Minimum number of guests:  guests
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Murray Riverina, NSW

From $165 per night. *

* Price range for comparison only. Pricing is seasonal and may depend on number of guests and pets. Fetch a quote for exact pricing.

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